
Cubiertas eólicas en alta mar inspeccionadas por Innerspec

5 de mayo de 2021

Nuestro departamento de Servicios de Inspección Avanzados ha obtenido un contrato en colaboración con Aisles Marines Engineers para desplegar técnicas avanzadas de END durante la fabricación de camisas de aerogeneradores en alta mar que se desplegarán en Saint Brieuc (Francia).

Fabricación de cubiertas eólicas en alta mar

The project combines Phased Array, ACFM, and 3D scanning techniques to provide a complete analysis of all the welds. By providing an exhaustive inspection during fabrication, the manufacturing engineers can monitor production performance, detect problems, plan potential delays,and prepare corrective actions as needed. The analysis provided by our engineers is already showing that aligning quality with manufacturing is not only beneficial, but an absolute necessity in a high-productivity manufacturing environment.

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